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Next stop - "Back of Beyond - Kahandamodara". Arriving here, we settled in for our next couple of days. During this time, we took a boat ride around Kalametiya Bird Sanctuary (sure are a lot of birds in this country), watch fishermen bring in their early morning catch, went for a bike ride along the country roads, visited Ussangoda National Park, happened upon a "Full Moon" Parade (part of a Buddhist full moon celebration) and went late night turtle watching (seeing a giant sea turtle lay her eggs).


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Sanasuma Kundalini Yoga


Back of Beyond’s Kahandamodara is a beautiful 14 acre organic resort set between the river and beach on the southern coast of Sri Lanka. Each villa is uniquely designed to include ecofriendly and nature materials, partly open bathrooms that allow you to shower as you look at the clouds or stars. The whole resort is run on solar power. The yoga Shala elegantly flows, into a small sitting area and the dining room, where you can roll your toes in silky smooth sand. Yes sand.


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Village Monde


Cet hébergement se situe au nord-est de Tangalle, au bout d’un petit chemin en retrait de la route principale. À deux pas d’une rivière qui plonge dans la mer, il vous sera possible d’aller faire une balade en barque pour y découvrir la nature locale. En fin de journée, une promenade sur la plage vous permettra d’admirer un superbe coucher de soleil sur l’océan.


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